Polk Salad Annie

By Elvis Presley

Polk Salad Annie

Live At Madison Square Garden

(words & music by tony joe white)
Some of you all never been down south too much...
I' gonna tell you a little story, so you'll understand where i'm talking about
Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods & the fields,
And it looks something like a turnip green.
Everybody calls it polk salad. now that's polk salad.
Used to know a girl that lived down there and
She'd go out in the evenings to pick a mess of it...
Carry it home & cook it for supper, 'cause that's about all they had to eat,
But they did all right.

Down in louisiana
Where the alligators grow so mean
Lived a girl that i swear to the world
Made the alligators look tame

Polk salad annie
'gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang
What a mean, vicious woman

Everyday before suppertime
She'd go down by the truck patch
And pick her a mess of polk salad
And carry it home in a tote sack

Polk salad annie
'gators got you granny
Everybody said it was a shame
'cause the mama was working on the chain-gang
Whoo, how wretched, dispiteful, straight-razor totin' woman,
Lord have mercy.

Sock a little polk salad to him
Yeah, you know what, yeah, yeah

But daddy was a lazy & a no-count
Claimed he had a bad back
All her brothers were fit for
Was stealing watermelons out of my truck

For once polk salad annie
'gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang

Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
You sock a little
Hey, hey, hey, yeah, yeah
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Chinc, chinc, chinc, chin, ling, ling ling

Photo: Elvis Presley

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